The selection process of candidates for the Business Startup Program (BSP) is initiated by a potential candidate applying at the BSP website. All potential candidates must be Egbengwu Nimo indigenes and submit all required documents at the BSP website. The required documents are listed under the menu: REQUIREMENTS. It is the responsibility of all potential candidates to ensure that all required documents are submitted before the stated closing date. Failure to submit all the required documents before the closing date is sufficient ground for disqualification of the candidate. Note that submission of falsified or forged documents is also sufficient ground for disqualification of the candidate.

The selection process will be based only on merits. After systematic and thorough review of all submitted documents by BSP sponsor or designees, a short list of potential candidates will be prepared. Further consultations may be conducted with respected members of the community on the short list of potential candidates. These consultations are solely at the discretion of BSP sponsor.

On the bases of this review process, a final list of candidates for the awards will be selected. This selection process is not subject to legal or other challenges.